


Rajiv Gandhi Government Degree College, Shimla, occupies a strategic position in higher education in terms of providing academic lead and administrative facilitation to the teachers and students. The Department of Commerce was established in 1986 with two teachers and about twenty students. Over a period of years, the department has grown from strength to strength. The department aims to nurture commerce professionals with a high level of knowledge and competence to effectively contribute to the society with commitment and integrity. The department is one of the biggest departments of our college with strength of about six hundred students and five faculty members teaching B.Com program. The dedicated faculty, which is a perfect blend of experience and youth, always aims at all round development of students.

Academic Goals of the Department

  • To bring changes in the mode of instructional delivery and use better teaching aids for an effective teaching-learning experience.
  • To enhance leadership skills and teamwork through various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • To respond to changing student needs and equip them to face the challenges of emerging/changing national and global trends.
  • To create a dynamic campus climate to help students to adapt to the changing contemporary trends for better career opportunities.
  • To provide a valuable college experience to enhance articulation, self understanding, co-existence and cultural sensitivity.
  • To enhance leadership potential and applicability of knowledge for successive period of personal life and professional career.


  • To promote research among the staff and students and arrange small projects and assignments based on syllabus to create research aptitude in students.
  • To encourage students to write research papers on various business and economic issues.
  • To organize more and more guest and extension lectures to keep abreast of the recent trends in the business world.

Activities Carried Out By The Department

1. Group Work/ Co-operative Learning
Students are made to work in small groups and are given assignments and projects. They are encouraged to develop critical thinking skills. However, sometimes problems like students’ unwillingness to participate, problem of co-ordination, only one student dominant in the group etc. come up during such projects. These problems are overcome by adopting the strategy of assigning some portion of work to each member and marking them individually on their respective performance.
Group discussions are also held on various topics to help students develop communicative and analytical skills.

2. Community Service
This is a practice continuously carried out. Our students are actively involved in various community outreach activities through NSS/ NCC/ Rovers and Rangers and other Clubs and Cells in the College. The students and staff are members of various social clubs, societies and NGO’s and are actively participating in various community service activities.

3. Technology & Research
An effort is also made to promote research insight among the students. The students carry out research projects. This would help those students who wish to pursue higher studies and research.

4. Guest Lectures
The department organises guest lecturers for the students on various topics including research techniques from time to time. Students are made aware of various research techniques and methods which they can apply in their research projects.

5. Career Guidance and Placement Talks
Career guidance and placement talks are organized every year. The students are made aware of the various career opportunities in the field of Finance, HRM and Marketing.

6. Field Visits
The students are also taken on field visits with the objective of enhancing their critical thinking skills through direct personal experiences.

7. Power Point Presentations
Students are encouraged to prepare Power point presentations that helps develop confidence and speaking skills. Presentations with visual aid are more interesting and persuasive and motivate students to learn.
Detail about establishment, courses offered and student strength. Highlight importance of courses offered by the department to the students. Department society details and any other information to be reflected in the college website.