Students Charter


The students are important stakeholders in any educational institution. The Students’ Charter as adopted by IQAC of the college is a document that defines and confers rights, responsibilities and privileges to the students with a view to achieve holistic growth.
Responsibilities of the institution towards the students

Rajiv Gandhi Degree Government College, Shimla shall endeavor to provide to its students:

  • Healthy atmosphere for their academic, individual and collective growth and development.
  • Creating awareness about the value and purpose of education as up held in the vision, goals, programmes of study, instructional methodology and various co-curricular activities as outlined in the Annual Calendar of Activities.
  • To provide free access to the students to every kind of information about college/university statutes, ordinances, acts, regulations, policies, procedures and curriculum.
  • To inculcate amongst the students the values of social responsibility, religious and cultural tolerance and other values of human and national importance as per the Constitution of lndia and the vision document of the University Grants Commission.
  • To adopt a student centric approach in teaching-learning methodology.
  • To develop the competence of the students at different levels, especially with regard to:
    • a) Linguistic competence
    • b) logical and analytical ability
    • c)Scientific temperament and d) entrepreneurship.
  • To provide support and guidance to the students through continuous mentoring viz. regular tutorials, remedial course and career counselling.
  • To provide add-on, state-of-the art courses and skill oriented courses to enable the students to face the challenges of the future, like a) enhancing the soft skills, b) starting new courses in the fields of journalism, multi-media, advertising, floriculture, silviculture, horticulture, vermicomposting, green house technology and rain water harvesting/ environmental conservation.
  • To provide the students adequate exposure to the teaching-learning methodology through Smart Classrooms, IT and Language Labs.
  • To receive constant feedback from the students and other stakeholders like the Parent-Teacher Association, the Old Students' Association for improving and strengthening the activities of the institution and to act upon the same in an empathic and pragmatic manner.

Responsibilities of the students towards the Institution

All students of the college are expected to observe the following in the larger interested of the institution:

  • To understand, appreciate and follow the vision and goals of the institution.
  • To have a clear and adequate knowledge of various programmes of study, admission policy, programme completion requirements, assessment mechanism and other student services of the college.
  • To undertake regular and intense study of their course material.
  • To adhere to the general norms of the institution with regard to the courses of study time, schedule as per ordinances/ rules/ acts of H.P. Government or H.P. University/ UGC as framed and implemented from time to time.
  • To abide by the decision of the college administration in case any grievance, individual or pertaining to more than one student/group and to help the college administration.
  • To make optimum use of learning resources available in the college and to participate actively in academically enriching programmes such as seminars, workshops, debates etc.
  • To provide neutral feedback on the quality of teaching and various other activities undertaken by the college, both in a formal as well as informal way, whenever they are asked for the same.
  • To contribute to the enrichment of institutional life of the college through their engagement in all the student related activities of the institution as outlined in Part A of Students' Charter.
  • Not to indulge in acts of Ragging or to make use of any kind of intoxicants in and around the institution.
  • Not to shout slogans, damage college property, deface walls or desks, spit or spread litter in the campus, or indulge in other acts of violence which tend to disrupt academic and general atmosphere of the college and amount to unlawful or criminal acts.
  • To follow the moral and constitutional values as enshrined in our multidimensional culture, the Constitution of India including respect for diversity of ideas/ thinking, inculcation of inclusive culture without any pre conceived notions of caste, creed or religion.